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The Housewife's Lament

Heading into a so-called "milestone" birthday next year (*cough cough* 40 *cough cough*), it's tough not to occasionally take stock and think where my life is and also where I wanted it to be by this point. If you ask my 18 year-old self, I wouldn't be able to even imagine being 40. 30 was more than old enough. I would either be dead or a successful published author, maybe married but not that bothered, definitely no kids, no way! Gross! So, that hasn't happened. I went to an all-girls school from the ages of 11-18 and looking at my contemporaries now, I see doctors, vets, pilots, project managers, environmental scientists, financial managers, teachers and business owners. Most of them are mothers too. And then I look at myself. I have been a full-time parent for nearly 8 years and...erm...that's it.

Yes, I know, being a parent is HARD, especially in the beginning. But my youngest is starting full-day kindergarten this August (COVID-19 permitting) and I guess I'm supposed to start earning my keep. Before you rush in to my rescue about how being a home-maker is totally ok, let me just stop you right there and admit that I am no home-maker. Home-maintainer at best. If you squint. I actively loathe cooking and while I very much enjoy eating, I can't see the point of buying 1973804710 ingredients and spending 56 hours prepping for something we're going to eat in about 8 minutes and I'll probably under-season. I have a friend who was self-sufficient in the kitchen from an early age and even now will try and drop me hints by saying something she made was "very easy". I just pretend I haven't heard.

It's not my fault I have no interest in cooking. My parents both worked full-time and not the traditional 9 to 5 (midwife and plumbing / heating engineer) so dinner was usually made with my sister and I out of the way. My mum decided to teach me how to make a stir-fry about 5 seconds before I left for University but I'd just painted my nails so couldn't even hold the wooden spoon properly. Nevertheless, I made it through the next 4 years without poisoning myself so I suppose I'm not that awful. I now have a few easy dishes that I rotate around, we have take-away a couple of times a week and my husband will generally make at least one meal per week or we'll have something from the freezer.
Cleaning-wise, I ain't much better. I make myself stick to a rigid regime to make sure at least the biggies get covered (vacuuming, bathrooms, bed linen) but you're not going to see me on my hands and knees with a toothbrush and some vinegar or whatever any time soon. I'm also naturally pretty untidy (I think it's hereditary) so please don't pop by without giving me at least 3 days notice. Thank you!


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